
A TextField allows you to enter a single line of text and submit with a button. You can also force it to only accept numbers with the numbersOnly field.

Parent Class: Setting

TextField Subclasses:


label (string)

Text shown above text field.


variable (Variable)
The variable which stores the setting value.
description (string)

If in a SideBarPage, description will be shown on mouseover.


numbersOnly (boolean)

If true, the input will only accept numbers

Optional: default false

press (function)
A function that happens before the update() function. Can be overriden to add a confirmation message before updating.
sNumbersOnly (string)

The text shown in a messageBox when the user entered an invalid input when numbersOnly is true.

Optional: default “Value must be a number.”

sNewValue (string)

Text shown when the setting is updated. This can be formatted with a ‘%s’ which will be replaced with the new value.

Optional: default “New value: ‘%s’”

callback (function)
Function that is called when setting is updated.
inGameOnly (boolean)

If true, this setting is disabled in main menu.


restartRequired (boolean)

If true, a message will display prompting the user to restart their game when the setting changes.


restartRequiredMessage (boolean)

The message shown if restartRequired is triggered.



local template = EasyMCM.createTemplate("My mod")
local page = template:createPage()
    label = "Text input",
    variable = EasyMCM.createTableVariable{ id = "text", table = config },

--Adding to a non-easyMCM element
block = e:createBlock()
        label = "Text input",
        variable = EasyMCM.createTableVariable{ id = "text", table = config },