


MWSE dev version >2.1 is required for EasyMCM. You can find documentation on MWSE here.


If you have an MWSE mod you want to add a menu to, then great! If not, create a new folder in Data Files/MWSE/mods, and call it the name of your mod. Then in your new folder, create a file called main.lua. This is where we will create our new MCM.

Creating an MCM

Add the following to your main.lua:

local function registerModConfig()
    EasyMCM = require("easyMCM.EasyMCM")
    local template = EasyMCM.createTemplate("Basic MCM")
    local page = template:createPage()
    local category = page:createCategory("Settings")
    category:createButton{ buttonText = "Press" }
event.register("modConfigReady", registerModConfig)

An MCM needs, at minimum, a template, at least one page, and probably a setting or two.

Check out the list of Components that you can build your MCM out of, and the types of Variables that can be attached to settings.

Advanced Example:

--fetch config file
local confPath = "config_test"
local config = mwse.loadConfig(confPath)
if not config then
    config = { blocked = {} }

local function registerModConfig()
    --get EasyMCM
    local EasyMCM = require("easyMCM.EasyMCM")
    --create template
    local template = EasyMCM.createTemplate("Advanced MCM")
    --Have our config file save when MCM is closed
    template:saveOnClose(confPath, config)
    --Make a page
    local page = template:createSideBarPage{
        sidebarComponents = {
            EasyMCM.createInfo{ text = "An info field in the sidebar" },
            EasyMCM.createButton{ buttonText = "Press this button" }
    --Make a category inside our page
    local category = page:createCategory("Settings")

    --Make some settings
        buttonText = "Hello",
        description = "A useless button",
        callback = function(self)
            tes3.messageBox("Button pressed!")

        label = "Time Scale",
        description = "Changes the speed of the day/night cycle.",
        variable = EasyMCM:createGlobal{ id = "timeScale" }

    --Make an exclusions page
    local exclusionsPage = template:createExclusionsPage{
        label = "Exclusions",
        description = (
            "Use an exclusions page to add items to a blacklist"
        variable = EasyMCM:createTableVariable{
            id = "blocked",
            table = config,
        filters = {
                label = "Plugins",
                type = "Plugin",
                label = "Food",
                type = "Object",
                objectType = tes3.objectType.ingredient,

    --Register our MCM

--register our mod when mcm is ready for it
event.register("modConfigReady", registerModConfig)

Creating Components

There are three ways to create a component with EasyMCM.

You can add the component to another EasyMCM object:

local page = template:createPage()
page:createButton{ buttonText = "Hello" }

You can add the component to a vanilla element. Be warned that easyMCM components require the parent element to have the correct formatting to appear. They tend to work best with menus that utilise widthProportional and autoHeight:

local block = e:createThinBorder()
--note the `.` instead of `:`, very important:
    { buttonText = "Hello" }

And you can construct the component object without creating the UI elements, then use the create() function later to create the element itself. You can see an example of this method in the advanced Example above, where we define a sidebarComponents table with an info and button, but we don’t actually create those components yet:

local button = EasyMCM.createButton{ buttonText = "Hello" }

--Then create the component element as a child of some vanilla element:
local block = e:createThinBorder()
button:create( block )