
An ExclusionsPage is a highly specialised page used for making whitelists/blacklists. It is made up of two lists: The righthand list displays objects that are filtered using custom settings. It could be a list of NPCs, or weapons, or plugins etc. Clicking on an item in the righthand list will transfer it to the lefthand list, and is also added to a config table. Both lists can be searched using searchbars, and buttons can be added for different filters to appear in the lefthand list

Parent Class: Page


label (string)
The label field is displayed in the tab for that page at the top of the menu.
description (string)

Displayed at the top of the page above the lists.


toggleText (string)

Overwrite the text for the button that toggles filtered items from one list to another.

Optional: defaults to “Toggle Filtered”.

leftListLabel (string)

Overwrite the label for the lefthand list.

Optional: defaults to “Blocked”.

rightListLabel (string)

Overwrite the label for the righthand list

Optional: defaults to “Allowed”.

showAllBlocked (boolean)
When set to true, the left list shows all items in the blocked table, regardless of the filter being used.
variable (Variable)
The Variable used to store blocked list entries.
filters (table)
A list of filters, which appears as buttons between the two lists. At least one filter is required. See the below example to see the different filter types.


    label = "Exclusions Page",
    description = "Description",
    toggleText = "Toggle", --Optional: default "Toggle Filtered"
    leftListLabel = "Blacklist", --Optional: default "Blocked"
    rightListLabel = "Whitelist", --Optional: default = "Allowed"
    showAllBlocked = false, --OptionalL default = false
    variable = EasyMCM.createTableVariable{
        id = "blocked",
        table = config,

    filters = {

        --Filter by plugins to exclude entire mods
            label = "Plugins",
            type = "Plugin",

        --Filter by object type
            label = "Ingredients",
            type = "Object",
            objectType = tes3.objectType.ingredient,

        --Define object filters for more specific filters
            label = "Helmets",
            type = "Object",
            objectType = tes3.objectType.armor,
            objectFilters = {
                slot = tes3.armorSlot.helmet
            label = "Blunt Weapons",
            type = "Object",
            objectType = tes3.objectType.weapon,
            objectFilters = {
                type = tes3.weaponType.bluntOneHand
            label = "Essential NPCs",
            type = "Object",
            objectType = tes3.objectType.npc,
            objectFilters = {
                isEssential = true

        --define your own callback for a custom filter
            label = "GMSTs",
            callback = (
                    local gmstNames = {}
                    for gmst, _ in pairs(tes3.gmst) do
                        table.insert(gmstNames, gmst)
                    return gmstNames
